Sieben Linden Ecovillage is a settlement established in 1997 in the municipality of Beetzendorf in the Altmark, Saxony-Anhalt. In 1993 the “Ecovillage housing cooperative” was founded; this represented the beginning of the planning phase of the ecovillage. The ecovillage was awarded again in 2002, for the successful realization of the ecovillage at the Sieben Linden site. In 1997 the location where to establish the ecovillage was found: the Cooperative bought a farm near the rural village of Poppau, close to a railway line. The old farmhouse was then refurbished according to ecological architecture principles, and became the first community building of the Ecovillage: the so-called Regiohaus. Self-sufficiency is one of the central pillars of the ecovillage since its conception. Proceeding along the main road, one reaches the core of the ecovillage: a former farmhouse, where most communal facilities are found. In the forest the Kacktempel is also located – the composting site, which was the first construction in the ecovillage.