The Bridge Eco-Village is a real-estate development company that renovates abandoned buildings in under-resourced neighborhoods, providing basic needs that allow its community to thrive. The sustainably designed buildings provide space for members of the community to Work, Eat, Live, Learn, and Play in one centrally-located resource hub. While in concept, an Eco-Village offers tremendous opportunities to address the intersection of SDGs through various community engagement strategies, a critical element will be achieving SDG 2, Zero Hunger, especially in community youth, through the power of sports in The Bridge’s “Play” area. By building a structure that houses both attractive safe recreational activity space for community youth and vertical garden and plant-based restaurant for local nutritious meals, the Eco-Village can address SDG 2 through the power of sport and recreation. In the chapter, the authors discuss their passion for leveraging the ability of sports to promote intersectional positive change and their pride that the next generation of youth will have access to sage playspace and nutritious, delicious meals.