In the context of a modern media environment characterized by unprecedented levels of choice, this chapter reviews the confirmation bias, a preference for information that is consistent with existing beliefs and attitudes. This bias is contrasted to normatively ideal processing, in which people seek out and learn from high-quality information, regardless of its stance. The confirmation bias is then examined through intrapersonal and interpersonal lenses. From the intrapersonal perspective, cognitive dissonance theory is introduced and reinforcement-seeking is discussed. Empirical evidence is reviewed regarding factors that motivate people to maintain or strengthen their existing views. From the interpersonal perspective, the confirmation bias is examined as the result of social influence, both intragroup and interpersonal. This section gives evidence that people strive to hold beliefs that facilitate positive social relationships. Subsequently, a third perspective is detailed which frames the confirmation bias as the result of biased credibility perceptions. Finally, interventions designed to correct the confirmation bias are discussed, with an emphasis on the previously reviewed intrapersonal and interpersonal factors. Throughout this discussion, the chapter emphasizes the importance of taking a multi-motive perspective and striving to account for both intrapersonal and interpersonal factors when either studying or correcting the confirmation bias.