Many analysts refer to Ghana as a West African success story, not only because of its stable democracy but also due to its economic success. However, in 2014 many Ghanaians were increasingly frustrated by the effects of severe currency fluctuations, a high rate of inflation and a rapidly increasing national debt. Constant power cuts, fuel shortages, and rising fuel prices triggered popular protests in 2014. In this context the Ghanaian pressure group Occupy Ghana emerged. This chapter asks: Did Occupy Ghana help to transform the nature of politics in Ghana? And which factors explain the movement's dynamics and outcomes? Drawing on resource and political opportunity structures approaches, it is found that Occupy Ghana activists, mainly the middle class, took advantage of existing opportunities (openness of the political system, free media, and discursive opportunities) and used their resources (e.g. office space, technical expertise, communication skills, legal, and political knowledge) to successfully exert pressure on the government. The analysis is based on a mix of qualitative data collected in Ghana in 2015 and 2016. The case study contributes to the wider literature on protest in Africa, by elucidating how especially middle-class members successfully exploit POS and resources to their advantage.