This chapter attempts to capture the gender-specific vulnerabilities to climate change and the concomitant health outcomes. Women face a disproportionate burden of climate change impacts: climate change-induced ailments and unclean energy sources like fuel wood and dung affect women more; their reproductive health is disproportionately affected when health systems fail following the occurrence of climate disasters, with an increase in maternal mortality and unsafe deliveries. These gendered impacts of climate change are a result of physiological, behavioural and socially constructed factors in addition to the socio-economic status of individuals and households. The linkages between health and climate change affect women’s issues and gender equality, especially since gender is a social determinant of health and a driver of health behaviours. In this context, we will examine the interactions between the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals that relate to health (Goal 3), gender equality (Goal 5) and climate action (Goal 13). Applying a gender lens during planning will go a long way toward making communities resilient to climate change. It is important for healthcare workers to understand the multidimensional aspects of climate change specifically on women and women’s health, in order to build their sensitivity and respond pro-actively to ensure health and gender equity.