This chapter deals with illustrating the Urban regeneration technique through the structured densification of the centrality system (TDSC): a method of designing the architecture of the city experimented at the School of Architecture of the University of Parma by the research group UAL – Urban and Architectural Laboratory.

Starting from the need to hold together theory and practice and theoretical research and practical experimentation, the method has its roots within an Italian tradition of architectural and urban design to outline an experimental approach of analysis and design that takes into consideration the context, role, and identity factors of the city or part of the city to be designed. The chapter is configured as an introduction to the methodology, starting from the analysis and identification of the characteristics of the city under study and continuing with the identification of the empty space and the consequent identification of the overall role of the project. The main methodological steps that, starting from the urban scale, lead to the design of specific spaces and functions will be summarized as exemplified in the two projects produced during the Archea research at the workshops held in Bologna and Aachen.