Fostering new generations of innovative professionals creating value for society is imperative and calls for developing teaching methods, preferably involving collaboration with business. This chapter will present a new and ambitious case method, the authentic industry mega-case (abbreviated AIM) method. The essence of it is that authentic (i.e., not casebook or invented) mega (i.e., complex and involving much work) cases from business partners (private companies, public institutions, and non-governmental institutions) are used to integrate theory and practice, research, and outreach in university teaching. Curriculum and class teaching are applied to a specific challenge, and students are involved in co-creating dynamic and reflexive learning environments while working to create value for business partners. The method helps students achieve better academic results, pass their exams on time, identify their competencies and value creation in a job context, as well as establish better networks in business – while having fun. This chapter presents the method, the pedagogical rationale behind it, and some of the results from applying it. A personal narrative is evidenced by a bit of data, some behind-the-scenes reflections are shared, the theoretical foundation for it is briefly laid out, and the contribution to society from the humanities is discussed.