There is growing international evidence that LGBTQ people have been marginalised and discriminated against in sports. While the majority of academic research has been conducted in the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia, this chapter presents data from the first large-scale research study in Europe (Outsport), based on a quantitative online survey with LGBTQ people over 16 years old (N = 5,524) in the 27 EU member states and the UK. The analysis takes into account the diversity of LGBTQ people (individual factors) by analysing intersections of sexual orientations and gender identities within the umbrella of LGBTQ, different sports contexts (organisational factors) that reflect the broad scope of sports cultures, and the general legal and political situation of LGBTQ people in the EU member states (societal factors). The findings outline the presence of homo- and transnegativity in European sports and its negative impact on LGBTQ individuals and their motivation to take part in sports. Multivariate analyses indicated different vulnerabilities within the group of LGBTQ people and revealed a varying likelihood of negative experiences with regard to different sports contexts. A comparison of the general legal situation of LGBTQ people in European countries and the perceived and experienced homo-/transnegativity in sports in these countries revealed no relationship.