The injustices of the climate crisis require societal transformation. Climate policies that are transformative require integrating sacred and spiritual dimensions so that society can move beyond the narrow, patriarchal, technocratic lens of climate isolationism that continues to dominate and be ineffective. Climate isolationism is a term that I use to refer to the common framing of climate change as an isolated, discrete, scientific problem in need of technological solutions. This framing evolves from the dominance of masculine, white supremacist values that disregard and dismiss the wisdom and experiences of “non-experts.” This way of thinking stems from assumptions of patriarchal conceptions of privilege and power that evolve from a colonizing and controlling mindset. Climate isolationism has not only been ineffective in responding to the climate crisis and mobilizing transformative change but it has also resulted in climate and energy programs, policies, and priorities that exacerbate inequities, and perpetuate economic and racial injustice. This chapter reviews the inadequacy and dangers of climate isolationism, explores why feminist and anti-racist values are essential for transformation, and explains why diversifying different forms of knowledge and wisdom is essential to accelerate and expand the shift from climate isolationism to climate justice.