How do effective directors ensure that the tone from the top is the right one for the organisation they serve?

Based on a framework of global corporate governance best practice, which can be used in all organisations anywhere in the world, this chapter of Questions To Ask (QTA) in the boardroom gives a high-level but succinct introduction to the “tone from the top.”

“Tone from the top” is driven by the integrity, honesty, and professionalism of the leadership team and each board member. The board must set the behavioural expectations of directors and management, and it is important that every individual consistently lives out the organisation’s values.

It is a privilege to serve in an organisational boardroom and a great honour to be chosen to lead; to lead teams, to lead companies, to develop them, and to get the best out of them. As the leaders of today and of tomorrow, directors should never underestimate their power in changing things for the better

The chapter’s introduction leads into outlining the key Questions To Ask in the boardroom, giving the reader further insight into the importance of tone from the top.