How do effective directors ensure that the board appointment process is productive and focuses on what matters most?

Based on a framework of global corporate governance best practice, which can be used in all organisations anywhere in the world, this chapter of Questions To Ask (QTA) in the boardroom gives a high-level but succinct introduction to board appointment.

It is important to ensure the board has a broad perspective, is able to offer constructive challenge, and has a robust debate. To do that, there has to be a rigorous ongoing process in place that will identify individuals who will challenge the status quo, bring new perspectives, and enhance collective knowledge. A nomination committee evaluates the skills and characteristics required of board candidates and undertakes a formal and transparent process for making recommendations on appointments and reappointments to the board.

The chapter’s introduction of the nomination committee’s work scope leads into the key Questions To Ask in the boardroom, giving the reader further insight into how to initiate discussions about the board appointment process.