How do effective directors ensure board meetings are effective and focus on what matters most?

Based on a framework of global corporate governance best practice, which can be used in all organisations anywhere in the world, this chapter of Questions To Ask (QTA) in the boardroom gives a high-level but succinct introduction to board meetings and the agenda.

Effective board meetings do not happen by chance, and the best held meetings move an organisation closer towards its goals whilst allowing directors to discharge their duties effectively. The chapter discusses the challenge of ensuring the board meeting focuses on what matters most and is not weighed down by firefighting or operational issues. It considers how the agenda is the foundation of effective board meetings and who designs the agendas. The introduction concludes with directions for how boards can self-assess their meetings on an ongoing basis.

The chapter’s introduction leads into the key Questions To Ask in the boardroom, giving the reader further insight into how to initiate discussions about how well meetings are run and if the agenda is fit for purpose.