How do effective directors ensure they assess the chair’s performance appropriately on a regular basis?

Based on a framework of global corporate governance best practice, which can be used in all organisations anywhere in the world, this chapter of Questions To Ask (QTA) in the boardroom gives a high-level but succinct introduction to the role of a chair and how to assess the chair’s performance.

All directors should ensure that there is a process in place for assessment of the chair’s performance as part of the board performance assessments.

The chapter considers what attributes makes for a great chair and how to assess the chair’s performance. This includes setting the direction of the organisation, being the CEO’s line manager and mentor as well as a supporting sounding board, ensuring the board functions well, being emotionally intelligent, and handling any stakeholder well when appropriate and needed. The chair needs the directors of the board to give them good feedback and input on their performance on a regular basis.

The chapter’s introduction leads into outlining the key Questions To Ask in the boardroom, giving the reader further insight into how to initiate discussions about the practical details requiring the attention of the board.