In this chapter, we investigate the added value of Communities of Practice (CoPs) for the implementation of gender equality strategies for their members and member organisations based on the evaluation of the seven CoPs of the ACT project. By applying Etienne Wenger's concept of value creation, we are able to show which different values and benefits are created through participating in CoPs. Based on interview data and self-reporting data we are able to show the immediate, potential, and applied values of CoP participation. Members can benefit from CoPs in many ways, e.g., through new contacts, new knowledge, empowerment, active implementation support, and much more. In addition to analysing the added value of CoPs, in this chapter we want to explore the question of whether the added value we have identified is sufficient to promote gender equality in academic organisations as defined in the framework of the European Research Area (ERA), or whether additional activities are needed to achieve this. A reflection on the limitations of the CoP approach to institutional change towards gender equality will close our chapter.