Functional differentiation is one approach to limiting the increasing complexity of modern societies. The emerging social subsystems develop a specific functional logic. Consequently, the subsystems process only information relatable to their societal functions, reducing complexity within a given subsystem and society as a whole. However, at the circular economy’s basis lies the assumption of an inclusive overarching evolution of collaboration that follows the product to meet complexity instead of an exclusive particularistic differentiation of subsystem logics. In the world of functional differentiation, the circular economy thus would be an impossibility. The article reflects the assumed impossibility and its indications. It then reflects other approaches in social theory and their capability to overcome the stated impossibility. Based on this reflection, it develops relevant perspectives, system complexity, individual and collective costs-benefits, process quality and purpose. Methodology used for strategic design and analysis in the circular economy should reflect those four perspectives to not reproduce the impossibility of the circular economy in a functionally differentiated world methodologically.