In this chapter, we outline the development of a series of graphic magazines (or ‘zines’) as part of a participatory approach to disseminating findings from a research project exploring the experiences of neighbourhoods for people living with dementia. We worked with a group of people living with dementia (or caring for someone living with a diagnosis) to develop a series of zines that detailed key findings from the research. The chapter provides a commentary on the development of these zines as part of a participatory approach to disseminating research findings as well as their value as a way of engaging with a group that might be considered marginalised or seldom heard. The chapter discusses the approach to working with the group of participant disseminators and considers the role of the group in reshaping and rearticulating the research findings to retell their stories. In doing so, the chapter demonstrates how the development of outputs and knowledge translation in dementia research can be enhanced by a more participatory approach but cautions against over-exuberant claims about emancipation or change-making.