Regardless of their political system and regime, countries have suffered the same economic problems caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, and its effects will have a significant impact on the development of the world economy after the pandemic ends. In the short term, the consequences will be definitely negative, but in the long term they will contribute to the development of the information society and the development of ITC tools, as well as accelerating pro-ecological and integration activities of state economies. The pandemic revealed, on the one hand, the weakness of the nation-state, as no country worldwide was able to cope with the effects of the pandemic on its own, but on the other hand, it showed the dormant power of national-state egoisms and attempts to build new zones of influence (China, Russia, Great Britain). The pandemic revealed inconsistent legal solutions or a lack of procedures and mechanisms for effective cooperation between states, lack of knowledge and information exchange mechanisms, and lack of adequate infrastructure resources. The research confirmed the quite obvious thesis that educated societies, and affluent and well-managed countries do better.