This chapter provides a historical development of feminist methodologies in geography, nor to engage with research methods debates in Human Geography. It explains a story about Herminia who is a Latina street vendor in Los Angeles. Binnie writes that the homo-normativity is characterised by, the increasing visibility and power of affluent white gay men has been accompanied by the marginalisation of the politics of both lesbian feminism and sex radicalism, and has highlighted the exclusions within queer communities on the basis of race, class, gender and disability. Gendered street-vending practices, as well as public-space in Latino neighbourhoods in Los Angeles, are hete-ronormative representations that shape and inform street vending practices as well as the lives of those who create and consume the landscapes. The representations of the puto and maricon proliferate in Mexican social constructions of homosexuality. The particular statements are produced by hetero-normative gender dynamics that define gender and family structure in 'imagined' Mexican families.