This chapter discusses the use of interview-based research methods with sexual minority communities and participants such as in-depth interviews, focus groups and ethnographic conversations seeking to interrogate the 'queerness' of communication in these research relationships. It represents lesbian and gay lives as they exist outside of normative heterosexuality, and how communication works across and subverts subjective binaries in research relationships, such as insider/outsider. Sexual subjectivities are thus sculpted not only by sexuality and gender, but also race, ethnicity, postcoloniality and class. The fracturing of sexual subjectivities along lines of gender, sexualities and ethnicities has a palpably place-specific dimension: with their racially, culturally and socioeconomically diverse indigenous and immigrant populations. The Antipodes provide a pertinent context to explore communication and comprehension in interview-based research across proliferating and politically-charged sexual subject positions. Queering of subjectivity requires rethinking credibility in terms of the way that all narratives are told in circuits of social power.