Diseases of all kinds, especially contagious ones that destroyed societies, mobilized the Church community to help. This is what happened in the present situation. The Church has not forgotten her faithful; he met them in a difficult social situation. The pandemic changed the possibility of religious engagement, both personal and family and social, of seniors. They were not able to participate directly in the Holy Mass, receive Communion and other sacraments. They also had to change the routines of spiritual and religious life. Virtual reality had to replace the real one, but the Catholic Church has always tried to stay close to society. The ministry had to be implemented in a virtual formula. Nevertheless, various ideas for pastoral care in a pandemic situation on the part of the Church were used. The activity of the Catholic Church has become the basis for the implementation of the new evangelization based on virtual activity, and the Church has joined in this narrative and activity within the framework of the propagated social principles of the Church: the principles of the common good, the principles of solidarity and subsidiarity. This chapter presents the activities of the Catholic Church in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and spiritual help for the elderly at risk of this virus.