The color SU(3) theory of hadrons is a genuinely strongly interacting theory. There is no obvious small parameter that we can use to express QCD predictions in a perturbation series. If all the quarks had masses very large compared to the QCD parameter, A, we could justify the nonrelativistic quark model in a simple way. In that case, the QCD interaction would behave rather like ordinary electrodynamics, except for a few peculiarities associated with the non-Abelian behavior of the Gluons. The baryons would simply be nonrelativistic bound states. In both the baryon and the meson, the color force between pairs is attractive. The magnetic moment interaction is like the magnetic moment interaction between an electron and a positron, with opposite charges. The simultaneous success of the constituent quark model for both heavy and light quark states convinces that it does capture at least some important part of the physics of QCD bound states.