The Republic of the Sudan is a country located in Northeast Africa, bordered by Egypt, Libya, Chad, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and the Red Sea. It is the third largest country by area in Africa. The population of 46.8 million people lives mostly in the southern half of the country, with about 36 percent of the population living in urban areas such as the capital of Khartoum. The population is predominantly ethnically Sudanese Arab, in addition to Fur, Beja, Nuba, and Fallata. The majority of the Sudanese population identifies as Sunni Muslim, with a small unspecificed Christian minority. Arabic and English are the official languages and are most commonly spoken throughout the country, in addition to Nubian, Ta Bedawie, and Fur. While neighboring Egypt is more famous for its pyramids, Sudan is home to the world’s largest number of pyramids in a single country: around 200–250 structures.