The Hoberman sphere has a number of predominant planar double chains composed of angulated scissor-like elements placed along the great circles of the sphere. In terms of practicality, symmetry is a good way to construct a mobile planar double chain of angulated scissor-like elements. However, other more general solutions exist which are obtained by considering the geometry of the entire assembly using the kinematic analysis tool. To facilitate a more general discussion on double chain linkages, two types of angulated scissor-like elements, namely the intersecting element and non-intersecting element, are to be considered. Double chains with symmetric layout can be connected to supports that permit translation within the plane of symmetry. Motion sequence of a double chain made of three intersecting pairs. Kinked beams with single kink can be replaced by beams with more kinks and there is a hinge at every kink. The double chain grows to a multiple chain.