The Myers Briggs Type Indicator evolved from Carl Jung’s work on psychological types from the 1920s. It is the most widely used psychological profiling system in business and government today. For the teacher, it is important that learning situations allow all these types of learners to demonstrate their understanding in a way that respects their personality type. Approximately 25 per cent of the population are reckoned to be Introverts. They prefer tasks that are individualised and prefer working independently. About 25 per cent of the population can be described as Intuitors. These are life’s dreamers. Thinkers make up 60 per cent of all males. They are in control of emotions and tend to express them privately. Feelers make up 60 per cent of women. They view Thinkers as cold-hearted and emotionally remote. The last category, the Perceiver, makes up 50 per cent of the population.