The seductions I have in m ind do no t happen by chance, they are n o t unplanned events. Instead, these seductions are usually well considered beforehand; they are prepared, presented in an appropriate atm osphere and in troduced by the righ t words. So it is w ith cities as well as people. Cities are increasingly being prom oted , developed, designed and built in o rder to attract and seduce parties ranging from investors to tourists. This chapter discusses the notion of cities seducing capital w ithin the context of urban reim aging processes and the conscious attem pts of cities to sell themselves in order to attract investm ent, em ployers and tourists. It then examines urban reim aging strategies in the cities of M elbourne and Sydney and the m anner in which they have consciously tr ied to create them selves, and com pete w ith each other, as ‘w orld cities’ of Australia.