It is well known that ellipsis involving a proform as its part can exhibit flexibility in

anaphoric interpretations – often in somewhat unexpected ways. In this work, I will

attempt to show that when we clarify how anaphora involved as part of ellipsis comes to be

represented in covert syntax, we will also have a better understanding of the way the

so-called E-type anaphora (including donkey anaphora) is represented in covert syntax. In

particular, I will first point out that ellipsis can provide a type of strict identity

interpretation for a ‘reconstructed’ proform which is akin to the interpretation recognized

in the E-type anaphora. I will then argue that the parallelism between the two constructions

arises due to the involvement of the same operation of ‘reconstruction’ in the form of

copying applying in covert syntax. It should be made clear at this point that the research

presented in this work deals mostly with the syntactic aspects of these phenomena and

leaves out their semantics. We will, in other words, attempt to answer the question what

syntactic operations are responsible for the semantic characteristics of these constructions

and how they should be represented at LF, but will leave unanswered the question how

they should be represented semantically. In the final part, I will extend the proposed

analysis to donkey anaphora, critically examining some alternative approaches.