Hybridity is about encouraging the creation of heterogeneous environments that include diverse activities in industrial areas. This process, supported by the rapid development of information technologies, has broad social and environmental effects and influences planning policies. Current strategies for designing industrial areas advocate creating a mix of uses (e.g. employment and commerce), diversifying production activities (e.g. manufacturing, research, and development), and designing varied programmatic characteristics (e.g. zoning, size of plots and the relationship among them). Planners use a variety of tools to support these strategies (Hatuka and Weinberg, 2016). First, supporting employment mix: creating a useful combination of industry for craft, offices, as well as commerce and recreation. Second, integrating diverse industrial activities: encouraging varied activities and planning the industrial area so that a complete production chain is possible, from research and development through production to logistics, management, factory stores, and visitor centers. Third, developing specialized complexes for manufacturing, logistics, and offices: allocating specialized complexes for various activities and dispersing them throughout the industrial area in a way that avoids nuisances and mutual disruptions on the one hand and produces functional logic on the other. Fourth, combining public uses that serve the employment area and its environment: encouraging communal activities and utilization that serve the industrial area, such as education (vocational education and training), health (occupational clinic), and employee welfare (sports center, day care centers). Fifth, encouraging residential integration as part of the employment area and its surroundings: planning of industrial areas adjacent to residential areas while considering the point of contact between the two areas, subject to environmental constraints (ibid.).