We conclude our journey through the concepts and politics of the circular economy with a forward outlook. Building on the discussion in Chapter 10, we suggest ways in which insights from complexity theory could be used to move from sixteenth century maps to twenty-first century modes of science-policy interfacing. We take inspiration from Annemarie Mol in distinguishing between logics of care and logics of choice in science-policy engagements. The logic of choice is based on the understanding of the science-policy interface as one-off engagements in which scientific information is passed on to decision-makers. Logics of care acknowledge the non-linear nature of policy-making as well as the contingencies and uncertainties involved. Taking seriously this view of the relationship between knowledge and policy making we argue for continuous engagement between a multiplicity of actors, with purposes that may go beyond decision-making and include social learning. This chapter explores ways in which indicators and “maps” could be constructed for the circular economy in a way that takes into account a plurality of social actors, beyond policy-makers and experts, and that faces the challenge of interfacing different stakes and values away from a confrontation between “Stop” and “Go” narratives and towards a care-based engagement. We conclude by looking at Eastern philosophy for inspiration: we resist the urge to provide a list of policy recommendations for the economy, and prefer to reflect on the way in which environmental, economic and social questions are governed.