The specific interface of Islam and evolution is one of the most interesting yet polarising discussions in this territory. The theory of evolution states that every biological entity, humans included, are all historically related through interconnecting lineages. Humans, then, are descendants of an earlier species and were not simply created into existence instantaneously. The combination of age-old precedents, theological scholarly authority (be it old or new), and general scepticism towards any kind of external incursion on traditional Islamic discourse makes for a very uneasy setting. Aside from the intellectual component, conversation of Islam and evolution is very value laden. Emotions run high when it is suggested that humans are biologically connected with rest of biological kingdom. The reception of evolution in the Muslim world is very mixed, and depending on when, where, and who the Muslims ask, they will get different responses. As it stands, the discussion has undoubtedly started to mature, and a spectrum is very visibly developing.