In an IoT world, every Thing is connected to the internet, communicates automatically with other Things, transforms every aspect of our lives into computable information, and uses this information to act on the physical reality and produce often unforeseeable changes in the ‘real’ world. Some incidents attracted some publicity, e.g. hackers screaming at the children through the unsecured baby monitors, killer connected cars, and the transformation of hundreds of Things into remotely controlled bots to bring down a domain registration service provider. IoT power, and the way big tech uses it, cannot be comprehended without looking also at those subjected to it. Humans use Things and are increasingly used – and transformed – by Things. The IoT disrupts many of the dichotomies upon which the law was built, most notably good-service, hardware-software, tangible-intangible, consumer-trader, consumer-worker, human-machine, security-cybersecurity, online-offline.