This chapter provides general conclusions and identifies areas for further research. The development of BOJ is in a way a success history about how an organization is established, takes a place in a context, and grows over time. BOJ has held together and worked on the basis of collective ideas -most of them bringing together views of human beings. The chapter will document three stages in the BOJ’s development: construction, consolidation, and restructuring. BOJ has also been dependent on its context. It will present three societal developments of importance, which relate to the state, politics, and women’s shelters. The chapter shows that BOJ developed in a time when society and politics went through a significant shift. BOJ emerged and grew in conjunction with a decentralization and privatization of the Swedish welfare state and increasing demands for a firmer crime policy. BOJ kept a strong position and continued to have political influence, but there is also very clear evidence for stating that they successively became adjusted to their context in the field.