The London Pride Parade in 2016 is a scene of joy, and revelry, as well as defiance, in light of events in Orlando the week beforehand. It is a shifting sea of sexual alterities, united in an action that is personal, political and perhaps most of all, celebratory. As many have noted, the rapturous atmosphere of London Pride is nowadays as much a site of commerce as of protest. There is no point denying the fact that a company like Citibank stands to benefit financially from being seen ‘on the right side of history’: supportive of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and otherwise ‘queer’ employees and customers. In reality, however, transitory semiotic landscape is rather something more like a wave, a flow, a force. A queerscape, in which material-affective-semiotic processes like the ‘bursting’ of pride are key resources, instilling a transitory ‘affective regime’.