The enhancement of human beings through digital technologies compels us to evaluate whether, how, and when these technologies feed the flourishing or, vice versa, the alienation of humanity. Social identities, relations, and organisations are forced to take shape in the environment of a Digital Technological Matrix that is a symbolic code which tends to replace all the ontological, ideal, and moral symbolic matrices that have structured societies in the past. In a certain sense, the Digital Matrix works as a functional substitute for theological and metaphysical conceptions. In this new vision, God's place is taken by the symbolic code of the Digital Matrix. The great calculator is no longer the divine person, and certainly not the human person, but an anonymous system that circulates and pervades the world. From the point of view of critical realism, hybridisation can and must be considered as a morphogenetic process that leads from entities structured in a certain way to entities structured in another way. Our task is to understand how to define the proprium of the human in these hybridisation processes.