The chapter presents contemporary concepts and approaches to diagnosis and psychological treatment of mental disorders, behavioral disorders and adaptive difficulties. Selected treatment programs using of the modern clinical approach, using new technologies, will also be presented. The nosological trend in psychological diagnosis gave way at the end of the 20th century to functional diagnosis, based on the verification of the psychological mechanisms underlying various disorders. This type of diagnosis turned out to be particularly useful for verifying the disability and type of psychological treatment, especially psychotherapy. However, clinical reports from the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries point to the need to including contemporary forms of diagnosis and treatment, especially online contact. As a consequence, professional psychological contact should be view from interdisciplinary perspective, taking into account modern technology achievements. The answer to this need is presented in the ideas and principles of diagnostic procedure in the psychosocial model using modern technological tools (such as online platforms, applications, video training, tele and e-advice). The chapter presents principles and research on the effectiveness of online counselling and e-diagnosis. Sample diagnostic and treatment programs as well as guidelines adapted to the requirements of remote forms of diagnosis and psychological help will be presented.