Based on an interpretation of ecophenomenological ethics, this chapter articulates some of the core of the book: the idea of ecological love as ways in which to morally caring for Mother Earth or Gaia. This planetary ethics is grounded in certain existential preconditions which involve both human nature and the more-than-human nature. Here, the preconditions of vulnerability and dependency are crucial: due to the ecological crisis, all beings are potentially affected because one’s vulnerability, and therefore dependent on the ecological love and care of others. The chapter also argues that though some parties may lack the full capacity of human-like agency, yet one should morally be recognized as affected by the ecological crisis and therefore affectable and potentially affected moral subjects. Finally, the chapter deals with the key concept of ecological love. To love ecologically means to care for all that exist. Such love is related to ecological grief and ecological anger as well as ecological-democratic practices of protest and place.