This chapter sets the stage for redefining capital through a transformative discourse focused on value. As ecological and social crises converge, the influence of capital becomes increasingly evident, endangering humanity and the environment. Through a critical examination of value within capitalism, we understand how capital wields power and its adverse consequences. This prompts the search for alternative approaches prioritizing more-than-human well-living. The chapter advocates for a radical retheorization of value, acknowledging the depletion of essential sources like nature, labor, and communal solidarity. Embracing a normative frame and a more-than-human perspective, the authors introduce ‘true value’ as a negation of capital's life-negating value. By distinguishing between ‘fetish value’ and ‘true value,’ we challenge our relationship with capital and move beyond its definition of value. This historical necessity aligns with an action-oriented approach, urging us to envision alternative models of organization.