As a complement to the previous chapter, Chapter 6 revolves around the idea of criticality, especially criticality of criticality. Criticality is central in accessing and examining the paradoxes of interculturality, especially as far as epistemological issues are concerned. In most global research on the notion today, assertions of criticality are commonly made by scholars using perspectives such as non-essentialism or decolonialism. However, criticality should be critical of itself to be effective, especially when one deals with such a ‘burning issue’ as interculturality. As a notion that is anchored in the political and the economic, amongst others, a statement of criticality deserves itself to be evaluated critically to make it credible and valuable. This chapter supports the reader in being critical of criticality (their own and that of others), avoiding the problematic position of the Ouroboros snake who ended up eating its own tail. Many of the fragments found here evaluate claims of criticality and their relations to e.g. privilege and whiteness, and asks the question of what could critical of criticality mean when it comes to interculturality as a subject of research and education. Finally, a certain number of biases, effects and illusions are discussed in some fragments as concrete tools for examining one’s own criticality.