Good health is the foundation of a happy and prosperous society where individuals are able to develop their fullest human potential, without the infirmity of ill-health compromising the quest. The wider determinants of health like housing, drinking water, and sanitation, education especially girls’ education, environmental pollution, occupational health issues, and income transcend narrow departmentalism. The USA is the wrong example to follow as it is one of most inefficient and expensive systems of healthcare. Doctors, drugs, and diagnostics, alongside health promotion and prevention through Yoga, sports, no smoking and no drinking campaigns, among others, need to go together. Artificial scarcity by misreading regulations and not using new pedagogical and technology-based learning materials, would be unfortunate. Administration of 185 crore plus vaccination at an unprecedented pace is India’s story of celebration. The active participation of chief ministers in periodic interaction of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, has thrown up a good partnership for results.