Angus Deaton’s Nobel Prize for Economics has helped to focus the debate on poverty and development in India. Development Economics is a flourishing empirical research field based upon the advanced analysis of detailed data from individual household. Poverty-free Panchayats can be seen as enabling economic and social opportunities for households facing deprivation to help them come out of poverty. Participatory and convergent planning process would be crucial for achieving the objective of poverty-free Panchayat. Converging these human resources and motivating them to work together for poverty-free Panchayats would be crucial. Planning for poverty-free Panchayats is an effort to address the multi-dimensionality of poverty in a more effective manner. The good governance framework, which includes being responsive to locally felt needs would be key to achieving the goal of poverty-free Panchayats. The progress made on various parameters that are part of the poverty-free Panchayat framework would be monitored through identified indicators.