Economists forecast the economic growth of countries and the global economy without taking into account needed climate investments nor the deleterious climate impacts. Short-term projections for 2015–2016 of growth rates of 3.5 percent for the global economy and 6 percent for Asia and the Pacific or various long-term projections of economic growth or other development attributes are cases in point. Multiple factors explain the mounting disasters: people's exposure to hazards, particularly in low-lying and coastal cities; greater vulnerability from soil erosion and deforestation; and just plain overcrowding. In addition, climate hazards are growing more menacing, which presents the most tangible reason to confront climate change. Climate adaptation, including the building of resilient communities and peoples, as well as climate mitigation are essential parts of a poverty reduction strategy. Asia and the Pacific must be in the front line of adaptation and also a powerful voice by switching to a low-carbon path and calling on others to do the same.