The moral panics have been fuelled by neoconservative and religious individuals, groups and political factions and often delivered oxygen by the right-wing press as well as social media. This chapter illustrates that although Australia demonstrates its own particular brand of a culture of limitation, similar restrictive cultures are evident elsewhere which impede the educational possibilities of young people. Education is ensconced in political rhetoric, often seemingly influenced by a culture of limitation that is fuelled by, and feeds off, moral panic. The rising conservative voices invigorated a culture of limitation around gender and sexuality diversity, resulting in the official revoking of yet useful pedagogical moment that would have assisted teachers to broach the form of diversity in a meaningful way in classrooms. Progressive initiatives aimed at both increasing understandings about gender and sexuality diversity as well as decreasing homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools are used for political expediency by those positioned within, and advocating for, a culture of limitation.