As a theorist, Emile Durkheim is perhaps unique amongst recent writers in the extent of his influence upon both sociologists and anthropologists which bears the impress of Durkheim's influence – either as a result of direct study of his works, or indirectly via the teachings of Radcliffe-Brown. In his comparative sociology, he never hesitated to utilize material from primitive society because such material shed light upon human institutions in their simpler forms. Rather than advance humanities and/or science, Indigenous knowledge production has been bookmarked and moved sideways, not being allowed to advance intellectually. Despite the idea that reflexivity creates more freedom of choice and fewer ties to the past, research suggests that the Western world is running in the exact opposite direction – with less social mobility today than a generation ago. As Nazis and white supremacists make a reappearance on the social landscape, many mainstream white media personalities are forced to distance themselves from such sentiments.