Electroencephalogram (EEG) curves called for tinkering around with ideas about processes in the brain as locations of thought. Refined methods of amplification and recording, special analytical procedures, or new representational techniques would enhance, reshape, and differentiate the already discovered cerebral currents, in order to reveal those connections between current and mind, psyche and brain process, supposed ever since the initial findings. A cascade of new epistemic things thus stepped up alongside the scientific object “brainwave” constituted by the EEG. The EEG counted as an instrument for reading thoughts because by this method the human brain could be observed while thinking. World War II is considered a transitional phase in the history of science that brought new forms of interdisciplinary collaboration, broad dissolution of the barrier in research between applications and fundamental questions, and a hitherto non-existent close interlocking of the state with science. Out of an analysis of EEG frequencies emerged the project to design a mobile oxygen-deficiency warning device.