International finance capital is here the main player, acting through the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other supranational bodies such as the European Central Bank. In the post-global financial crisis (GFC) era, 'austerity' has become a commonplace term, but enforced austerity goes back to the dawn of globalization, commencing with the 'structural adjustment programs' (SAPs) imposed on debt-laden developing countries from the late 1970s onwards. The union movement became the vanguard of resistance not only to the effects of neoliberal globalization and the SAP in particular but also to the political dictatorship developing. This chapter provides glimpses of working-class organization in anti-austerity mobilizations in Greece, where divisions within the labour movement signified important developments. Transnational solidarity networks between labour organizations certainly exist, affirmed by inquisitive studies of ground-level developments. Workers' organizations, mostly base unions, have been a leading force in the resistance to austerity measures in Greece.