The beauty of VT-TV, a Values-based approach, is that it creates so much more room for broad exploration. It helps people open up very quickly to wide discussion. The plantations studied for the report were all RSPO and ISCC certified. VT-TV brings about real change because it is based on the power and passion of the breakaway, on that inherent, internal desire to do the right thing. It is about breaking the shackles of control and freeing people from ticking someone else’s boxes or being audited against someone else’s standard. It’s about opening the heart to the birds, to mystery, messages of poetry, love, art, spirituality, religion, to so many possibilities. Ideas form, strategies are tested, two steps forward, three steps back, but slowly a path emerges amid the gloom. As we’re seeing across a wide range of sectors, VT-TV works. Once started, progress happens.