This Chapter reviews recent progress in theory, fabrication, and application of optical microber (MF) resonators, i.e., a microber loop resonator (MLR) and a microber coil resonator (MCR). Generally, MF devices and circuits can be created by manipulation (bending, looping, coiling, twisting, crossing, etc.) of uniform and tapered MFs. An optical MF is usually fabricated from a standard telecom optical ber by drawing and has a diameter of ~1 μm. The interest in photonic devices fabricated of MFs is caused by small losses and potential ability of micro-assemblage in 3D. Eventually, these properties could make possible the creation of MF devices, which are more compact and perform better than those fabricated lithographically. Furthermore, some MF-based devices possess

functionalities, which are not possible or much harder to achieve by other means. MLR and MCR resonators together with MF waveguide are the basic elements of MF photonics, which is introduced in Section 7.2. Section 7.3 reviews the theory, experimental demonstration, and application of an MLR. Section 7.4 reviews the theory, experimental demonstration, and application of an MCR.