This chapter discusses citations that Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) may issue as a result of violations observed or discovered during an inspection. Generally, no citation may be issued more than 6 months after the occurrence of the alleged violation. OSHA citations are classified as other-than-serious, serious, repeated, or willful. An other-than-serious citation is a violation that is not serious. A citation becomes final one of two ways: if no timely appeal from the citation is filed with the Review Commission, or if a decision has denied the appeal of the citation. It may be advisable to consider appealing those citations which could be the basis for possible repeated citations. While not a citation per se, a Notification of Failure to Abate an Alleged Violation is to be issued in cases where violations have not been corrected as required. Significant civil penalties can be assessed on a daily basis for failure to abate the violation.