PACSIN 1/syndapin 1 was originally identified by its drastic expression decrease during CNS repair processes and by virtue o f its binding to the GTPase dynamin. The three fam­ily members play important roles as accessory proteins in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. They differ in tissue distribution and developmental expression, but share many interaction partners and their ability to bind to lipid surfaces. Besides contributing to membrane deforma­ tion PACSIN proteins play a key function as adaptor proteins, coupling various components o f the clathrin-assisted uptake with the actin polymerization machinery. Although many molecules are able to link both processes, the role o f PACSINs in recognizing and regulating specific cargo molecules is only now beginning to be understood. Recent functional studies using a wide range o f cells and tissues have revealed a crucial role for PACSIN proteins as modulators o f receptor function by controlling their internalization and/or recycling. Current knowledge regarding PACSIN functions is reviewed here.