The subsequent visit of Syrian President Shukri al-Quwatli to Egypt and Saudi Arabia attested to Syria's preference for that axis rather than for its Hashimite neighbours. The British diplomats who had looked everywhere for Iraqi political leaders acceptable to the effendiyya and in favour of controlled political and social reforms, yet broadly speaking pro-British, came to think of al-Suwaydi and Salih Jaber. Raising the Palestinian issue in various League bodies by the forceful stances of Iraqi representatives was intended to give Iraq the image of loyalty to pan-Arab nationalism both with the Iraqi public and with other Arab states. In August 1944, Iraq had already sent memoranda to the heads of various Arab states about its proposal to set up Arab information offices in Washington and London. Iraq's attitude towards al-'Alami was a function of the personalities and attitudes of the politicians who determined the country's policy.