Chapter 9ends amain subject of the book, transit scheduling. Chapters 12 through 17 are more design and behavioral oriented, focusing on service, network, route, and shuttledesign and user behavior. Before any discussion of transit-design elements, however, it would be only natural to present an overview of the tools and models used in analyzing

passenger demand (Chapter 10) and the related prediction of the way the demand will ¦ow onthetransitnetwork(Chapter11).Therstquestionconfrontingusindesigningatransitserviceconcernsthesize,composition,anddistributionofpassengerdemand;itisthe dominantinputparameterforanynew,improved,orredesignedundertaking.Thesortof sandwichpositionofthisandthenextchapterbetweenthesubjectsofthebookisdisplayed in Figure 10.1.